me: "R" rrrr Rheneas, Rheneas (i mis-pronounced it Rhenes) begins with "R"
David: Rhenes rhymes with Penis. Penis. Penis rhymes with Rhenes.
Although no one wants to encourage potty talk, I couldn't help but giggle. He asked why I was laughing and before I could answer he said "mommy, I guess you are laughing because you thought I was telling a joke. I am not telling a joke. I am rhyming words. You shouldn't laugh because I am not telling a joke." Sorry, kid. Oh, I think we are beginning the boy world of potty talk. yea!
Hilarious! It's so funny when they do that. Glad you are using the correct anatomical terms for the body parts. Wait until your daughter blurts out the word Vagina at a young age and people take a double take - now that's funny. Hey, people that is what it's called!